CrossTech opened in 1981 as The Typesmiths. In those
days we were an advertising typographer, supplying type
proofs to the advertising, design and medical communities.
As our industry evolved, our products and services changed
so that we might fill the changing needs within the graphic
arts community that we served.
Currently, CrossTech is in the printing and prepress business.
We are focused on providing excellent service and quality
products. We are continually evaluating our marketplace
and the needs of our clients and as a result we add to our
capabilities on a regular basis.
Advances to printing technology are constantly occurring
and CrossTech strives to offer products reflecting these changes. From our current offerings as a full-service printer and prepress
provider we see our continuation as a high-service, high-quality
We dont know exactly where this road will lead us
but we are confident that there will always be the need
for great customer service.